Bali is a beautiful island with a wonderful countryside and fantastic climate, which offers its visitors many possibilities to join his holiday. With the right partner, this holiday could get one of the best days in your life. Please let us be this partner for your holiday.
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General facts about Bali Area : 5.632,86 km2 Capital : Denpasar Language : Bahasa Indonesia Currency : Indonesian Rupiah Religion : 95% Balinese Hindus; 4,5% Muslims; 0,5% Christs Nyepi Day, a silence day to mark Balinese New Year
Balinese Hindu uses two-calender system. One is Pawukon system, a 210-day cycle that divided into ten separate week system. The other one is Saka Calendar, a lunar calendar that originally from South India and brought to Indonesia around 465 AD. One Saka year has 12 month and each month ends on a new moon. The Saka Year is 78 years behind the Gregorian calendar. The calendar begins on the first day of the 10th lunar month or ends on the new moon of 9th month. It usually falls on March or April on Gregorian Calendar. To mark the New Saka Year, Balinese celebrates a Nyepi Day.
Food, Restaurants and Prices
You can find a lot of different restaurants and different food offers all over bali. Except small faraway villages it is possible to choose between a lot of different types of restaurants and different price levels.Expensive restaurants are mostly called Restoran the others Rumah makan. Small mobile kitchens or little restaurants which are typical for south-east asia offering traditional indonesia food and are called Warungs.Especially in villages Warungs are still today meeting point for inhabitants to talk about affairs of other people and the newest political or economical changes. It is nearly possible to have a meal there without any risks.
Normally communication is no problem, because almost every restaurant have a english speaking employee.Please take care when eating traditional indonesia food. The local meals are very spicy. It is advisable to order the chili seperated.The waiters do not earn much money and are mostly dependent on tips. They expect a tip of 10%, also if the menu shows you that the service charge are included. The indonesia food is not expensive. It is possible to get a rich, good and healthful meal for less than 5 US$.
In tourist centres exists 24h Shops where you can buy non-alcoholic beverages (soft drinks, juices, ...) and also alcoholic products. You will note that imported drinks are very expensive, but there are alternative offers from indonesia products.The most important products are Arak (Vergorener, starker Branntwein), Brem (Schwerer, süßer Reiswein) und Tuak (milchiger, etwas säuerlicher Palmwein).Usually water or tea is served with Balinese food. Apart from this, there are three traditional alcoholic drinks. Tuak (sajeng) is a mild beer made from the juice of palm flowers, Arak (sajeng rateng) is 60 to 100 proof liquor distilled from rice or palm wine and Brem is a sweet, mildly fermented wine made from white or red sticky rice. All three alcoholic drinks are playing an important role in some rituals.
http://www.balisukawanatour.com by Komang Sukana
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